Archive for 3月, 2010

Remember More Words With Wordz!!!

It had been more or less one week I was unable to access my live space. However, a much worse thing has just occurred, that Google quited China, which furtherly blurred the line between our most harmonious and most democraticed.

Harmony requires being silent for the dark side, so I shut up and present a new application that should help me and may also help you on learning words of a foreign language:

Miles to Go…

The Sun has set, proving again Oracle’s voracious prophecy can always be fulfilled…

Luckily enough, Oracle said the development of NetBeans and GlassFish would continue to be supported, which I think has given me no chance to switch another IDE like Eclipse, or to another Java EE container like JBoss.

However, this acquisition did affect at least one thing, that kenai will be closed. As an open source project hoster, or declared as a cloud-computing development platform, it is indeed disappearing like the vanishment of cloud. As the result, I migrated my project (named as my name: zhyi) from kenai to Google Code. New home brings new hopes, and here’s the hopeful plan for the near future:

  • Finish Wordz
    There is currently only one feature missing.
  • Reimplement the Table Model of SRT Subtitle Editor
    I have to admit usage of javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel is ugly stupid, and even causes a big bug. Obviously a really suitable table model for SRT subtitle is required.
  • Add Jar Finder to the Project
    It had been finished moths before but I forgot to check it in.
  • Kick Off Bookz
    Once those Swing applications are stablized, I will turn to Java EE and Web development, or even Web Services and SOA. The first idea is Bookz, which is used to manage or share ebooks. It will be implemented with Java EE 6, but I will user pure JSP 2.1 + Servlet 3.0 for page presentation, not JSF 2.0, because there’s no good tutorial for JSF 2.0 for the time being.